Enquiry and Support

If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us

Payment Method

You can choose any one of the following payment methods –


Cheque Postage

Prepare your cheque payable to
“Website Solution Limited”,

write your domain name and contact number
on the back of the cheque
and send to the following address:

Unit 1617A, 16/F, Block B,
Profit Industrial Building,
1-15 Kwai Fung Crescent, N.T. Hong Kong


eBanking Pay Bill / PPS

Customer may login to in HSBC, HangSeng, BOCHK, Standard Charter or other eBanking service in Hong Kong, choose Pay Bill,
or customer may make use of PPS for online payment

PPS Merchant Code: 9856
PPS Merchant: Website Solution

(please allow 2 working days for bank inter-transfer process)


Visa , MasterCard Credit Card Online Payment

WorldPay / Paypal

In Person

Please come to our office during office hour.
We accept cheque and cash.

Hong Kong Bank-In Deposit ETC / Jetco

  • Faster Payment System (FPS): 5519-3000 (our mobile)
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong): 012-561-0-000901-5
  • Hang Seng Bank : 265-278937-001

(Account Holder: Website Solution Limited)

With the domain, please
– fax the receipt to (852) 3007-1200, or
– email to info@website-solution.net
Then call us at (852) 2187-3707 to verify.


Overseas Remittance

Receiptant Bank: Bank of China (HONG KONG)
Bank Address: Shop B, 707-713 Nathan Road, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Account Number: 012-561-0-000901-5
Currency: Hong Kong Dollar

(Customer have to pay the bank remittance fee)

Domain Check

Copyright 2002 - 2024 (c) Website Solution Limited

Business Hours : Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Contact: (852) 2187-3707 , Fax: (852) 3007-1200

WhatsApp : (852) 5519-3000 , WeChat Id: website-solution

Office: 1617A, 16/F, Block B, Profit Industrial Building, 1-15 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Fong, N.T. Hong Kong

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